Monday, August 11, 2008

July/August Book Club

Hey guys. It's Erin.

First I have to apologize for being so lame this month. I know this month's book club meeting is way overdue and that is all on me. I have been in and out of Denver and work has been insane and I am feeling a little overwhelmed, but, excuses aside, I am sorry for being late.

I hope everyone has read or is reading our book "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" by Betty Smith.

So our meeting...I talked to a few of you about doing the book club tomorrow night, the 12th. I am still open that night but I do feel bad about the short notice to all the rest of you that I didn't let know. So I am thinking we should do next week (for real this time). Here are the dates I am proposing:
  • Tuesday, August 19th
  • Thursday, August 21st
  • Saturday, August 23rd

I promise to make up for my lack of organization to this point. It will be fun. And there will be lots of yummy food there. Please don't hate me. Please come.

So when can you make it? Vote by Wednesday the 13th (leave a comment) and I will post the winning book club date on Thursday.


Teri said...

Tuesday or Thursday of next week are better for me. I can do Saturday but not until afternoon time. Good job Erin!

Jennie said...

I am good with any of those days.

Shelley said...

I would love the Tues date, this is the day Michael has off and I can just come without Liam and Sean but whatever works!

Jen christensen said...

We are going out of town on Wednesday, so Tuesday would work best for me.